Sunday, November 4, 2012

Yep that make sense... lets try it!

I guess before I start my first blog I should say if these things have worked for you then that is great! I am just sharing my side of things.

So let me get this party started. A while back I was perusing Pintrest happy as a clam when I came across this pin that said "dry nail polish super fast by soaking your just polished nails in ice water for 3 minutes." Hmmmm... Putting something in water to make it dry? Yep that makes sense, let's try it!  <---- link to blog

So I spent about 2 minutes painting my left hand, then 10 minutes painting my right hand and... ooops forgot my bowl of ice water so I very carefully pulled out a bowl careful not to smudge my nails and filled it with ice and cold water. Gave it a little stir to make sure is super cold and then I took the plunge.

Now if you haven't thought of dipping your fingers in ice water and holding them there for 3 minutes then good for you, you my friend aren't an idiot. Because I will be frank with you, IT SUCKS! It is just uncomfortable for about the first minute then the pain starts setting in. You know, that freezing cold pain where you are certain frost bite is going to take one of your appendages? Yeah that kind of pain. Well there I am still putting my hands through this stupid torture because remember the WATER will make them Dry. Still making sense to me...

Ding ding ding, 3 minutes is up! YAY! Now that my fingers are numb and I have no sensation in my fingertips I think it's brilliant to check them to see if it had worked. Yep you guessed it. Didn't work like a charm! Now I have frozen numb fingers with even wetter nails with smudges and the inability to paint my nails again for a while do to numbness!

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